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Evaluation and Monitoring of Required Progress

During any training process, from the recreational phase all the way up to the Olympic level, its extremely important to have valid criteria for evaluating the current stage of athlete’s development. You also need it for selecting their individual training strategy (based on their needs /deficiencies and goals). In reality, any type of training, whether it involves maximum intensity exercises or special exercises based on calculations (interrupted test), can be used for such criteria. 3S offers yet another valuable tool our - Weekly Results Progression.

Simply enter any distance and receive the “required results progression” at that distance. Of course, the strategy can be adjusted to be more or less aggressive. However, you can't fool the laws of nature or break the laws of human adaptation to physical training. Our proposed strategy has been tested on generations of athletes at all levels of competition and is considered to be “optimum”. Our off-line science tool (Training Optimization System ™ or TOP™) gives you the flexibility to change the strategy to meet your needs. Please contact our 3S experts for additional information about this service.

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Season Planning Tools

Individuals' and Groups Managament Tools

Preparation of Personal Training Schedules

Exercise Calculation

Individual results Analysis

Individual Intensity Levels

Evaluation and Monitoring of Required Progress

Parametric Training

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Evaluation and Monitoring of Required Progress

In addition to the ability to immediately access our on-line tools, we offer a series of sport specific tests and testing protocols, which are designed to help in the on-going and long-term evaluation of your athletes’ condition. We not only provide the ability to monitor results but also information about any necessary changes in several physiological parameters. As a rule, knowing the following parameters is important regarding the ability to effectively manage the training process:

  • Aerobic Threshold
  • Level of maximum oxygen consumption
  • Oxygen debt
  • Anaerobic threshold and power of anaerobic processes

Our tools can provide and track the required changes in these and a number of other parameters. This feature is currently available to coaches in an “on request” off-line mode. These and many other topics will be discussed at our “3S coaching seminars” and in our periodic “Coaches NewsLetters”. We can also help you with testing and results evaluation for teams, clubs and individual athletes, at the highest possible level that is currently available in modern sports science today!

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